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It's easy to forget important to-do items during the craziness of a move. Here are some of the most important ones that you can't afford to look over.
Moving day! It’s an exciting time. But there’s pressure, too. Ideally, you’d get it done in one swoop with as little backtracking as possible (especially if you're moving long distance). These are some tips that will give you a better chance at a bug-free and well-planned transition into your new home.
Prevent bringing bugs when you move
If you’ve had a problem with roaches or any other kind of insect, the last thing you want is for them to follow you into your new place. Especially if you’re moving out for that very reason.

- Pack all cutlery and cooking utensils immediately after washing and completely drying. Any remaining food particles or moisture is an invitation for roaches
- It may be better to toss out plants before you move. It’s tough to inspect dirt thoroughly enough.
- Wash and dry all your clothes before packing. If you’re in the habit of leaving clothes on the floor for a while, some insects see it as an invitation to set up camp.
- Use as many plastic bins as you can afford. For one, they’re transparent; you’ll have a greater chance of spotting insects. Cardboard boxes have more nooks and crannies to hide in, and you never know if the store you bought them from is already infested.
- If you have a serious bug problem, it’s best to just discard small appliances like microwaves and toasters. There are too many hiding places within these appliances, and tiny food particles are too attractive to insects for you to take the risk.
2 months before the move

You’ll thank yourself later if you get started ahead of time. A move involves much more than physically packing items. Consider these:
- Create your budget and stick to it. If you’re moving without professional help, how much will the truck and packing supplies cost? If you’re being forced into breaking your lease or overlapping two payments for a month, will those costs allow you to buy that new sectional? Don’t get sucked into credit card debt during a move!
- Lay out the schedule. Try to take off from work on a Friday and take advantage of the weekend.
- Start collecting boxes and containers. Before buying them from U-Haul or Wal-Mart, check Facebook Marketplace. There are people trying to get rid of boxes for free year-round. After your move is complete, continue the cycle and offer your boxes for free, too!
- Take photos of electronic setups. Not everyone is tech-savvy enough to remember how their TVs, computers, and sound systems are configured. Take clear pictures of the backs of these systems to remember which plugs go where.
- Label bags for hardware. If you’re deconstructing furniture or anything else involving screws and metal joints, put their parts into separate labeled bags. You may never figure out which parts go where if you skip this.
- Measure twice, move once. Make sure your new doorways, stairways, ramps, and any other tight-fitting places will accommodate every item you plan to move in. There’s nothing worse than lugging a 100+-pound couch up three flights of stairs only to discover it won’t fit through a doorway.
On moving day

Most checklist tasks are obvious: set an alarm, clean your old place before heading out, protect your floors as you drag heavy items, and so forth.
But you may overlook some essentials for your first day and night in the new home. After a full day of moving, you need to relax and sleep well. Think about the items you use on a daily basis. Ensure these things are easily findable in your purse or in a clearly marked dedicated box:
- Cleaning supplies - pack a rag, soap, and paper towels for dishes. Or, pack some disposable plates and spoons. Bring some cleaning spray to wipe down the fridge and pantry too.
- Toiletries - carefully check these off your list as you pack on moving day: toothbrush, toothpaste, medications, deodorant, toilet paper, soap, shampoo, and a washcloth.
- Chargers - bring phone and laptop chargers and batteries for remotes. Sometimes your phone is your only source of entertainment and communication during the first few days.
- Tools - as you arrange your new place, you’ll want a hammer, screwdriver, measuring tape, and something to open your boxes with. These items belong in your dedicated box with all the other items for immediate use.
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