Article Excerpt
Homeowner associations play a valuable role in making a community attractive. But they can come up with some funny rules sometimes!
Attractive landscapes, pools, and playgrounds are super desirable for families moving into a new neighborhood. In most cases, it’s the homeowners association (HOA) that manages these amenities.
HOAs usually provide very reasonable guidelines that ensure the upkeep of the neighborhood. But every now and then you may come across some funny rules like these, as described by members in HOA groups on
» READ MORE: HOA Benefits & Common Rules for Neighborhoods
Garage Sale Dress Code
In one member’s neighborhood, there are two set garage sales each year: one in April and the other in September. Additionally, anyone who wants to participate must wear “polos and khakis.”

You’ll Need a Permit for Those Plants
Another homeowner stated that their HOA wanted them to get “architectural approval” for two small potted plants they had placed at the front door.

No Towel Sharing
This same person also said their neighborhood forbade towel sharing at the pool. Any person who was seen without a towel of their own would be fined $25.

Don’t Put the Trash Out Until Midnight
One HOA has extremely stringent rules for trash day. The trash truck comes every Thursday. Residents are forbidden from putting their trash out on the curb Wednesday night. You must wake up early or put it out after midnight to avoid a $25 fine.

Overnight Guest Fee
Don’t put out the welcome mat in this neighborhood - especially if your guest is staying overnight. One member wrote that their HOA demands a $10 fee for overnight guests and an additional $5 if the guest uses a parking spot.

Three Nights and You’re Out
Similarly, another HOA forbade any guest from staying more than two nights. But during the holiday season, the rule allowed for three consecutive nights.

No Blue Trampolines!
Another neighborhood prohibits blue trampoline covers. More specifically, they have to be green or black. While many of the commenters were baffled, one person replied that maybe the rule prevents ducks from accidentally diving into what looks like water. Good point!

No Square or Brass Doorbell Frames
The shape and style of your doorbell frame is a top concern for an HOA that published an in-depth article in its monthly newsletter describing what they deem acceptable. “Novelty” frames were a strict “no”. American flag patterns or sports team logos are not permitted. Brass was also off the table. In terms of shape, square shapes were not permitted unless they’re rotated to a diamond.

Five Minute Open Garage Limit
No dawdling allowed! One unhappy member posted that their garage door could only be open for five minutes or less. Any longer and they were in violation of an HOA rule. Not ideal for car enthusiasts on a hot day!

You Need Darker Mulch
According to this homeowner, the shade of your mulch is very important. They were fined twice because it wasn’t the proper shade of red.

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No More Than 15 Pounds Of Pet
You must choose your pets wisely according to another homeowner who wrote that their neighborhood’s pet restriction was summed up as “no more than 15 pounds of pet.” Looks like your cat needs to go keto!

Looking for a new place?
These examples are amusing - but thankfully, not the norm. Most homeowners agree that the value of an HOA-governed community is worth the extra effort and cost. An attractive community contributes to your home’s value, ensuring your investment is protected.
Are you considering a new home? If you select a home with an HOA, you could take an active role by attending meetings or serving on the HOA board. Let the adventure begin! Start your free pre-approval today!