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Stay cool in the hot weather! Here are five tips on what Texas homeowners can do to get the homes ready for summer.
Summer is here in Texas, and that means heat. Texas summer weather can do quite a number on our homes. Whether you are a brand new Texas homeowner or a seasoned veteran, here are some tips on getting your home ready for summer.
Get your HVAC system checked
If you came here from up north, you might have been surprised to see that air conditioning is everywhere. Everyone can agree, though, that the last thing you want to happen in a Texas summer is to go without A/C. If you own your own home, you need to make sure your air conditioner is up to the task of keeping it cool.
You can have your HVAC system inspected for a reasonable fee. Many companies offer annual service plans that include periodic inspections. Don’t wait until it’s too late! HVAC companies tend to get backed up with calls during the summer since most people wait until it breaks to have it inspected.

Check the fan blade direction
Ceiling fans can save you quite a bit on your electric bill if you know how to use them in the most efficient way. Many people in Texas don’t even know that ceiling fans can be used both to cool and warm up a house. It all depends on the direction they are spinning.

The blades on ceiling fans are angled. When the fan spins counter-clockwise, the angle of the blades pushes air down. This creates a cooling effect, and lets you ease up on running the A/C.
A switch on the side of most ceiling fans lets you reverse the direction of the spin. When spinning clockwise at a low speed, the fan blades circulate the warm air that collects near the ceiling, warming the rest of the room.
In the summer months, make sure the fan is going counter-clockwise.
Water the foundation
Whether your house is on a pier-and-beam or slab foundation, you can help it out by watering it during the summer months. Texas homes are built on a variety of soils that behave differently depending on the season. The soil around the edge of your house can dry out while the soil directly under it stays wet. This causes stress on the foundation, as the wet and dry soils shrink down and swell up.
Watering your foundation also protects your home from tree roots. Trees look for moisture wherever they can find it. If the ground around your house is dry, a tree might send roots under the house until it finds the wet soil. You don’t want that to happen.
Do some preventative pest control
You’ve heard the phrase “Everything’s bigger in Texas.” When it comes to the sheer number of pests that can show up in and around your home in summer, that might be true. Texas has all kinds of critters that emerge in the summer months. Rainy weather in spring and early summer brings out even more of them.

Nothing ruins a nice summer day more than seeing a cockroach pop out from under a cabinet, or finding a wasp nest in your favorite backyard spot. Some preventative pest control can help you avoid this. Many options are available that will take care of pests without harming your pets.
» READ MORE: How to Get Rid of Drain Flies
» READ EVEN MORE: How to Choose a Pest Control Company
Rent an inflatable water slide for a kid block party
You just did several things to keep your house in good condition for the summer. Now it’s time to celebrate! You can rent all kinds of inflatable structures — from bouncy castles to water slides from local Texan party rental companies.

Become a homeowner!
If you’re renting, hopefully you’re not as concerned with this checklist. But the benefits of home ownership make it all worth it! Get in touch today and get started on your free pre-approval.