Article Excerpt
The Wood Group of Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation finished 2018 with over 2,600 families served all across Texas and $520M+ in funded loans. It took each and every team member doing their best work every day to make those homebuyers into homeowners. We want to take a moment to recognize the Top 10 Mortgage Teams in The Wood Group in 2018.

1. Team Alexander
NMLS #377688
Belton, Texas
256 Families Served
$48.1M in Funded Loans

2. Team Matt
NMLS #317789
Belton, Texas
237 Families Served
$49.5M in Funded Loans

3. Team Roberts
NMLS #759086
Belton, Texas
188 Families Served
$41.8M in Funded Loans

4. Team Cheryl
NMLS #464452
Killeen, Texas
164 Families Served
$29.3M in Funded Loans

5. Team Baker
NMLS #1435446
Round Rock, Texas
130 Families Served
$24.0M in Funded Loans

6. Team Ihler
NMLS #1256089
Round Rock, Texas
105 Families Served
$27.4M in Funded Loans